0124-4128301,02,03 info@ice.net.in

  • Acceptance of one’s techno-academic qualification and professional attainments on a global platform.
  • To practice as self-employed Consultant in India and abroad.
  • This title of Chartered Engineer “C.Eng. [ICE(I)]” is superior to the general lot and therefore attracts higher perks and value.
  • This title instills a pride which enables him to perform well and show better results.
  • Entitles the candidates to avail concessional rates for attending International Conferences.
  • Receives all publications and material produced by ICE(I) to broaden his vision and outlook.
  • Invitations to attend all Conferences / Workshops / Programs organized by ICE(I).
  • ICE(I) would honour such candidates at the programmes for contribution in the field of upgradation of the Engineering Profession.
  • Facility to submit Abstracts / Full papers in the Conferences hosted by ICE(I) and other events held in India and abroad.
  • Acceptance of the status abroad for better position as compared to normal degree holders.
  • Can compete for empanelment with Banks / Insurance Companies and Financial Institutions with this Title.
  • Participation in Government bodies as a member where higher qualifications than the degree is required.
  • Winning of Civil works from Corporations and similar Government bodies.
  • The names of the Chartered Engineers would appear on the website of the Institution which will expose them to the prominence for obtaining their services by the prospective employers.
  • The position further adds up to the CV of the candidates to be given preferential treatment while considering for better employment.