Geomatics Engineering Group is known for its rich history as a knowledge epicentre of
surveying techniques for Science and Civil engineering projects. Ranging from
satellite-based measurements of Earth using optical, thermal, hyperspectral, laser
and radar remote sensing to traditional surveying methods using Electronic Total
Station (ETS), Global Position System (GPS), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), LiDAR,
Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Spectroradiometers
and Gravimeters, the group has capacities to solve important research problems
including natural resources management, disaster management, earth surface
deformation, glaciology and climate change, smart city 3D mapping, urban
infrastructure development and many other research areas with important applications
in Civil Engineering. The group comprises faculty members leading in technologies
like Photogrammetry, Geographical Information System (GIS), GPS, Digital Image
Processing, SAR Interferometry, Geodesy, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
and Cloud Computing. Apart from academic research, the group has a strong curriculum
to impart Geomatics Engineering concepts to undergraduate, postgraduate students and
PhD scholars.