He/She has a minimum age of 40 years at the time of his/her application and has been in the class of Member of the Institution for a period of 5 years or such shorter period as the Institution may decide in any particular case on its merit. The condition of the Membership may be waived off and the person may be admitted directly to the class of Fellow if in the opinion of the Institution this will improve the image of the institution.
The candidate shall be a professionally qualified engineer and shall have held the position of significant responsibility of promotion, planning, design, construction, maintenance or management of important engineering works for a period of 15 years or such shorter period as the Institution may decide.
The candidate shall have high educational qualification and either have made some outstanding or notable contribution to the science or engineering or have materially advanced the practice of engineering from the academic, research, technical or management standpoint; and the candidate shall occupy such a prominent position in the profession of Civil Engineering that his/her admission as fellow would in the opinion of the Institution advance the interest of the institution.
The candidate shall have obtained a high reputation in the field of Civil Engineering sustained over a number of years, possesses some tangible recognition of eminence and have made some significant contribution to Civil Engineering achievements such that the candidate’s admission as a Fellow would in the opinion of the Institution advance the interest of the Institution.
Employment as a professor of engineering or as a senior member of the engineering faculty in a University or College which has a regular course of study leading to an academic qualification approved by the Institution or in employment in a responsible position on important engineering research or in the management.
Each Fellow shall be entitle to the use of the designatory letters FICE (I).